Warning: These 5 Mistakes Will Destroy Your Juicers

Best Juicers for Wheatgrass of 2017: Top Budget and High-Quality Picks

Creating wheatgrass shots at home is a cost-effective way to enjoy wheatgrass on a
Regular basis--and it requires no extra commute to the local juice bar!
With the right equipment on hand, fresh wheatgrass juice can become a daily fixture
On your diet, saving you money and improving your health and basic well-being
over time.
If you are looking to start juicing wheatgrass at home, there are a couple ways to go
about it. You can use a full-sized, electric masticating version, or you can use a
smaller, dedicated wheatgrass press.
Masticating models are highly useful machines to have in your kitchen, but they are a
Major investment and they occupy a good deal of space. Masticating machines are
Designed to juice produce of all sizes in large quantities, from large melons to leafy

If you plan on juicing Many Different Kinds of produce--including wheatgrass--it
may be worthwhile to invest in a masticating model. We cover some of the best
masticating models on the market in our Masticating Juicer reviews.
Wheatgrass juicers, in contrast, are smaller, (usually) hand-powered, and cheaper. The
Juice extraction method is more or less the same as a masticating machine, but on a
smaller scale.
against a screen, squeezing out the juice into a container below.

juice, you should consider buying one of these dedicated wheatgrass presses. There
Are a few reliable and effective models to choose from--here are our favorites!
1. Tribest Z-Star Z-510

Fantastic for taking on the go.
This wheatgrass juicer is powered by a hand crank, and is secured to the counter via a

The juice is collected in

Though the small size of the Z-510 is ideal for wheatgrass, the Z-510 juices any kind
of produce that fits in the hopper, including leafy greens, herbs, ginger roots, and
chopped up fruits and veggies.
It would take quite a bit of arm work to produce a full glass up of juice, but it's good
Option for when you will need to extract a small quantity of juice.

Juice is extracted from the wheatgrass. This slow process also preserves more of the
Vital nutrients and enzymes found in wheatgrass and other produce, making certain that
You receive the utmost nutritional benefit from every shot.
The Tribest Z-Star Z-510 is a simple, effective way machine that gets the most out of
It's lightweight, compact, and portable, making it an easy
Machine to put away in a drawer, cabinet, or even take along with you on vacation.
It's also easy to use, with a straightforward design that's a breeze to set up and figure
Out straight out of the package.
Juicing with the hand-crank the Z-510 requires little physical effort--many reviewers
even reported that their young children enjoyed using this machine.
The Z-

masticating juicers. High yields aren't Limited to wheatgrass, either--the Z-510
According a one
Buyer, it has saved her money because she's spending less on veggies. For daily
Juicers, it can accumulate. For shelf life, the juicer creates less froth, making shelf life

dense plastic for the other components. Setup and disassembly is quick and intuitive,
And users report that cleaning up after using this juicer takes no time at all.
When it comes to greens and soft produce, the Z-510 is a great tool.
not so much. Although the Z-510 can technically juice firmer produce, producing a full

Protruding counter or table edge to latch around, which might not be present in some
kitchen interiors.

Perfect for regular wheatgrass juice drinkers, but it's also accessible, portable, and
simple enough for the "weekend warrior." It's easy to use, well-designed and sturdy
Enough to last through years of everyday use.
It's versatile enough to handle other types of produce (if you don't mind an arm
workout), but leafy greens and wheatgrass are where the Z- 510 truly shines. If you're
On the lookout for a reasonably priced, reliable wheatgrass juicer that delivers consistently
High yields, the Tribest Z-510 is a good pick for you.

The MJ445 is a manual, single auger wheatgrass juicer with a matte finish on the
exterior of the steel body. Like the Z-510, the MJ445 clamps to the edge of a counter,
able to latch onto counters over 1.5 inches in depth. It weighs about six pounds,
making for an portable and compact device.
While this juicer is primarily designed for wheatgrass, it also can juice greens and soft
fruit. It's designed for a slow but thorough extraction, in order to preserve the
Maximum amount of nutrients while receiving the best juice yield possible from the
The MJ445 comes with a pusher, a wrench, a stainless-steel auger and screen, and an
end cap. The components are easy to disassemble and clean with water, and they're
designed to last for years without ever rusting.
The all-stainless steel construction of this unit has a minimalist, industrial chic
appearance that pairs well with any kitchen interior. The Whole metal body doesn't
Just look great, however--the Miracle MJ445 is designed to last for years and years
through daily use. It also resists rusting, and makes for easy cleanup.
The MJ445 is easy to operate as well, requiring little force to turn the crank during
juicing. Even when the juicer is loaded with lots of produce, users of all physical
Ability reported that the handle required little brute force in order to turn. It has a
Classic look to it with only 3 solid steel parts which are simple to use.
This wheatgrass juicer produces great yields from greens and herbs, not only from
wheatgrass and barleygrass, but also kale, spinach, cilantro, parsley, and arugula. It
Makes a great supplementary juicer to larger electric models, which traditionally
struggle to get effective results from leafy greens. It also produced some good results
from other surprising sources, including apples, onions and ginger.
Finally, the MJ445 is a breeze to set up, and breaks down again easily come cleanup
time. The stainless steel is easy to wash, dishwasher safe, and it will never rust after
years of cleaning.
A few reviewers noted that while the MJ445 gets good yield, it can take multiple
juicings to get the most out of wheatgrass and other greens. This means that owners
Will have to run the pulp through the juicer a few times or more to get the
Maximum quantity of juice possible.
There's a similar set of downsides between the MJ445 and the Z-510 (and most
manual wheatgrass juicers). For example, the crank isn't difficult to turn, but it
Requires many rotations, which can become physically tiresome after awhile. Also
Like the Z-510, the MJ445 requires a protruding counter or tabletop to clamp the
device to.
One small downside a few users noted was the low clearance of this juicer--you will
Need a short cup or low bowl to collect the juice, since a taller cup or glass will not fit.
Finally, the MJ445's all-steel construction places it among the higher end of the price
spectrum for manual wheatgrass juicers. The extra investment is worth it for
Customers who juice wheatgrass on a regular basis (and plan to do so for years to
Come), but a less expensive model like our top pick could be sufficient for infrequent
Durability and design are the two greatest strengths of the Miracle MJ445, a greatlooking
all-stainless steel wheatgrass juicer. This higher-end juicer is worth the extra
Cash for daily juicers searching for a reliable, effective wheatgrass juicer that will endure
For years to come.
It delivers great yields from leafy greens, though it may take a few rounds of juicing
to get the best results. It's also a solid tool for juicing small amounts of soft produce,
herbs, and other spices for cooking. With it's ultra-durable build and effective yields,
The MJ445 may just be the last wheatgrass juicer you will ever have to purchase.
3. Lexen GP27
If you're shopping on a budget, or you're planning to use your next wheatgrass juicer
On an infrequent basis, the Lexen GP27 is well worth a look. It's half the cost of most
competing models, but still delivers good results from wheatgrass and other leafy
The GP27, like our other two picks, is a manual, crank-powered masticating style
juicer. Along with the standard countertop clamp, the GP27 also features a suctioncup
Base for improved stability.
The construction of this unit is mostly plastic, with only three different components
that disassemble quickly for easy washing. In Reality, Lexen claims that cleaning up after
this juicer only takes about 30 seconds. The GP27 doesn't have a pulp-catching screen
That requires scrubbing--which is usually the most time-consuming portion of the
Cleanup procedure.
For such a low-cost manual juicer, the GP27 produces impressive yields from
wheatgrass and other leafy greens. The quantity and quality of juice from this juicer
Rivals that of manual and electric juicers many times the price tag.
The GP27 is also quite compact in its size, in addition to being lightweight--making
This possibly the most mobile of all our picks. It's perfect for getting your juice fix
On the road, or storing in a cupboard without sparing too much of your valuable
kitchen space. Despite its small and lightweight build, but the GP27 feels sturdy
on the countertop while in use.
Many reviewers also appreciated how easy it was to clean up after the GP27. With
three easy to disassemble parts and no fine screen to scrub, cleanup after a juicing
Session took no time at all. This juicer is a Great choice for shoppers with a busy
Schedule, especially if you like a fast shot of wheatgrass before work in the
For many owners, the best part of this juicer is the effortless cleanup. Juicers of all types
Can be notoriously tricky to clean, but the GP27 does away with this common
Problem by eliminating the pulp screen found in the majority of juicers and making their juicer a
breeze to disassemble.
The GP27 is mostly plastic, and it lacks the durability of our other two picks. Some
customers complained that components would crack or break under too much stress.
However, many customers also praised Lexen's customer service, and a large
Percentage had the broken pieces pr

omptly replaced without any hassle.
There were also a few reviewers who wished that the hopper on the top of this device
Were a bit larger to accommodate more produce at one time.
For shoppers on a budget, or infrequent wheatgrass drinkers, the Lexen GP27 is a
Great option that won't strain your bank account. With high yields, easy cleanup, and
A portable build, the GP27 has a lot to offer at a low price.
There are reports of the problems with this unit's durability. if you're planning to
Juice wheatgrass and other produce daily with your next juicer, it might be
worthwhile to invest in a more sturdy model. Nonetheless, the GP27 is a solid
Wheatgrass juicer, sold at a fraction of the price of competing models.
Which Wheatgrass Press is Perfect for You?
Our top pick, the Tribest Z-Star Z-510 is a terrific balance of price and quality. It's
Everything a fantastic wheatgrass juicer needs to be--it's solidly built with great yields. It's
Also our most versatile pick, able to juice a vast array of produce beyond
If you're looking for a wheatgrass juicer that won't break down, even after years of
use, the Miracle MJ445 is your best option. This all-stainless steel juicer is designed
to never break or rust--and it looks great, too!
For budget shoppers, the Lexen GP27 is a fantastic option. The GP27 costs a fraction
of our other picks, but still delivers great results. It's also our most portable pick, in
addition to being the easiest to clean.



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